Thursday, September 27, 2007

Vecto rules!

Another instant hit from Xach is Vecto. All pure lisp all the time. Here is some fun that I've had with it.

(defpackage #:smiley (:use #:cl #:vecto)) 
  (in-package #:smiley) 
  (with-canvas (:width 200 :height 200) (scale 2 2) (set-rgb-stroke 0 0 0) (set-line-width .5) (set-rgb-fill 1 1 0) (centered-circle-path 50 50 50) (fill-and-stroke) (set-rgb-fill 0 0 0) (centered-ellipse-path 35 70 10 15) (centered-ellipse-path 65 70 10 15) (fill-path) (move-to 30 35) (quadratic-to 50 10 70 35) (quadratic-to 50 15 30 35) (fill-and-stroke) (move-to 25 34) (quadratic-to 30 35 30 40) (move-to 75 34) (quadratic-to 70 35 70 40) 
  (save-png (merge-pathnames "tmp/smiley.png" (user-homedir-pathname))))

Sunday, September 23, 2007

New logo

It is so much fun to change logos for ones blog. Thanks to Xach it is easy too. He just released Easystreet a very cool street sign generator and I could not control myself. I generated couple of dozens and behold my new logo :) It is written in Lisp.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Common Lisp for all of us

Reading Peter Seibel blog I've noticed that he needed some google bombing. So here is my little part in it. Practical Common Lisp is a really good tutorial. I own the dead tree version and the book is really good.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Moved this blog to TekTonic VPS. So far so good. No problems installing SBCL and Hunchentoot. Let the experiments begin! UPDATE: Moved the blog back to blogger, since the VPS is not good enough for multiple instances of SBCL with only 256MB. I need that instance for other experiments.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Nerd test

My nerd test score says that I am Kinda Dorky High Nerd. I just wonder what does it mean exactly. says I'm a Kinda Dorky High Nerd.  What are you?  Click here!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


The nuclblog is up and running on my test machine. Looks like a pretty good platform for experimentation. This entry is done using w3m-emacs mode. UPDATE: The experiment is over. The cheap virtual host is not good enough to run SBCL with hunchentoot and other experiments. It is good enough for one instance of SBCL but multiple instances are not able to run in 256MB of RAM.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

NKS old and new

While reviewing a paper for the complex systems journal I've started looking around the web for my NKS summer school article and found this web page. It is so interesting to read what one wrote four years ago. Which is why I need to write more so I can read it later and write about it so I can read it later and write about it, etc. P.S. Recursion is fun.